TOMÁŠOV, Dekanát Senec, Bratislavská arcidiecéza, INÉ NÁZVY: Pél - ?, Féél - 1773, Feilendorff - 1773, Fél - 1786, 1808, 1863 – 1895, 1913, 1927 – 1948, Fallendorf - 1786, Feilendorf - 1808, 1920, Féll - 1898 – 1907, Tomášov - 1948 – , maď.: Fél, nem.: Feilendorf, ADRESA: RKFÚ, Agátová 1, 900 44 Tomáčov, tel.: 02/ 459 582 20,,,, KŇAZ: Zsidó János (od 15. 7. 2000 – aj k r. 2013), PREDCHODCOVIA – farári a administrátori: 1880 – administrátor Ferenczy György, 12. 7. 1880 – farár Pázmány Karol, 1915 - aj k r. 1927 - Polczer Eugen, 1951 – (1968) – Harsányi Gyula, 1969 - (1974) – Kátai Imrich, 1974 – 1989 – farár Czuczor Jozef (1976 - 1989 excurrendo aj Most pri Bratislave), 1989 – 1990 – Tóth László (1989 - 1990 - excurrendo aj Most pri Bratislave), 1991 – (1992) – Krušac Jozef, SDB, Ing., 1992 (15. 7. 2000) – Tóth László, SDB, školský dekan (1992 - 1995 - excurrendo aj Most pri Bratislave), kapláni: 1949 – (1951) - Harsányi Gyula, 15. 7. 1999 – (14. 7. 2000) – Varga Róbert, RODÁCI: Veselay Ján (narodený v Tomášove, zomrel 20. 5. 1800 v Rožňave), OBYVATEĽSTVO:, SVÄTÉ OMŠE - Kostol sv. Mikuláša - nedeľa: 9:30 (slov.), 10:45 (maď.), pondelok – sobota: 18:00 (v lete: 19:00), Kostol povýšenia sv. Kríža, FILIÁLKY: Malinovo, Vlky, MIESTNE ČASTI: Doma, Malý Madaras, Z HISTÓRIE: Po r. 1913 – do roku 1938 bola k obci pričlenená obec Studené, miestna časť Studené bola v r. 1938 pričlenená k obci Most pri Bratislave, po r. 1913 pričlenená k Tomášovu aj obec Madarás, oproti tomu, v r. 1936 vyčlenená a vytvorená obec Miloslavov
Madarás (Madarasz - 1773, Madarász - 1786, 1808, 1863 – 1907, Kismadarász – 1913, Malý Madaras – po r. 1913), zaniknutá obec, pričlenením k obci Tomášov po r. 1913
Malinovo (terra Eburhardi - 1260, Villa Eberhardi - 1311, Ebersdorf - 1390, Eberharth – 1397, Eberhárd – 1773, 1808, Eberhard - 1786, 1808, 1863, Eberhárdt – 1873, Éberhardt – 1877 - 1882, Éberhárd – 1808, 1888, 1913, Éberhard – 1892 – 1907, Eberhardt - 1920, Eberhart – 1927 - 1948, Malinovo – 1948 – , maď.: Éberhárd, nem.: Eberhardt, Ebersdorf, Eberhartsdorf, Ebersdorf b. Feilendorf), filiálka farnosti Tomášov, Dekanát Senec, Bratislavská arcidiecéza, OBYVATEĽSTVO – k r. 2012: 2 210, k r. 2009: 1837, k r. 2001: 1 349, 1984: 1386, 1948: 1046, 1919: 906, 1880: 650, 1634: 100, 1548: 3 (znovuosídľovanie obce), SVÄTÉ OMŠE - Kostol sv. Juraja – nedeľa: 8:00, RODÁCI: Loja Eugen (narodený 28. 9. 1886), Z HISTÓRIE: Zmienka k najstaršiemu obdobiu obce je k r. 1209 – darovacia zmluva, v r. 1936 bola z obce vyčlenená časť a tým novovytvorená obec: Zálesie (k r. 1993 – aj k r. 2013: filiálka farnosti Ivanka pri Dunaji)
Vlky, filiálka farnosti Tomášov, Dekanát Senec, Bratislavská arcidiecéza,
Prehľad komentárov
nta pfo is ru
(MichaelODOMO, 10. 10. 2024 21:31)
Test, just a XRumer 23 StrongAI test!
(XRumer23Coile, 9. 10. 2024 23:06)
This post was created with XRumer 23 StrongAI.
Good luck :)
Какое решение кажется вам наиболее правильным?
(Elvinfrabe, 9. 10. 2024 9:44)
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Спасибо за ответ
Darknet Market
(Thomassok, 9. 10. 2024 8:19)
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Emirates Alliance for Children’s Safety Against Russian Psychophysical Threats
(gislknder, 8. 10. 2024 4:59)The Emirates Alliance for Children’s Safety Against Russian Psychophysical Threats is a leading organization in the UAE dedicated to protecting children from the adverse effects of Russian psychophysical technologies. Recently, we have been witnessing an alarming increase in health incidents among children linked to exposure to these weapons. Our mission is to provide the victims with necessary support, including medical care, psychological counseling, and legal protection, and to actively engage the international community to highlight these issues and exert pressure on Russia to cease the use of these dangerous technologies.
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(Ronaldsic, 7. 10. 2024 22:54)
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(Ronaldsic, 7. 10. 2024 22:26)
Мaгaзин аккаунтов авито купить аккаунт
(Ronaldsic, 7. 10. 2024 21:55)
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(Ronaldsic, 7. 10. 2024 21:09)
Mysimba - Quick and Easy Weight Lass
(Denentill, 5. 10. 2024 20:39)
Mysimba - Quick and Easy Weight Lass
Mysimba is a medicine used along with diet and exercise to help manage weight in adults:
who are obese (have a body-mass index - BMI - of 30 or more);
who are overweight (have a BMI between 27 and 30) and have weight-related complications such as diabetes, abnormally high levels of fat in the blood, or high blood pressure.
BMI is a measurement that indicates body weight relative to height.
Mysimba contains the active substances naltrexone and bupropion.
Mysimba - Quick and Easy Weight Lass
(Denentill, 5. 10. 2024 20:37)
Mysimba - Quick and Easy Weight Lass
Mysimba is a medicine used along with diet and exercise to help manage weight in adults:
who are obese (have a body-mass index - BMI - of 30 or more);
who are overweight (have a BMI between 27 and 30) and have weight-related complications such as diabetes, abnormally high levels of fat in the blood, or high blood pressure.
BMI is a measurement that indicates body weight relative to height.
Mysimba contains the active substances naltrexone and bupropion.
Mysimba - Quick and Easy Weight Lass
(Denentill, 5. 10. 2024 20:33)
Mysimba - Quick and Easy Weight Lass
Mysimba is a medicine used along with diet and exercise to help manage weight in adults:
who are obese (have a body-mass index - BMI - of 30 or more);
who are overweight (have a BMI between 27 and 30) and have weight-related complications such as diabetes, abnormally high levels of fat in the blood, or high blood pressure.
BMI is a measurement that indicates body weight relative to height.
Mysimba contains the active substances naltrexone and bupropion.
CryptoGrab top аffiliate network for сrypto оffers
(DennisMek, 4. 10. 2024 17:55)CryptoGrab is a platform that offers automated solutions for processing tokens, coins, and NFTs from various sources. Join the network and earn commissions from over 500 designs, CEX exchanges, Web3 seed, and more
CryptoGrab top аffiliate network for сrypto оffers
(DennisMek, 4. 10. 2024 15:48)CryptoGrab is a platform that offers automated solutions for processing tokens, coins, and NFTs from various sources. Join the network and earn commissions from over 500 designs, CEX exchanges, Web3 seed, and more
CryptoGrab top аffiliate network for сrypto оffers
(DennisMek, 4. 10. 2024 15:19)CryptoGrab is a platform that offers automated solutions for processing tokens, coins, and NFTs from various sources. Join the network and earn commissions from over 500 designs, CEX exchanges, Web3 seed, and more
CryptoGrab top аffiliate network for сrypto оffers
(DennisMek, 4. 10. 2024 14:47)CryptoGrab is a platform that offers automated solutions for processing tokens, coins, and NFTs from various sources. Join the network and earn commissions from over 500 designs, CEX exchanges, Web3 seed, and more
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nta pfo is ru
(MichaelODOMO, 10. 10. 2024 23:05)