TOMÁŠOV, Dekanát Senec, Bratislavská arcidiecéza, INÉ NÁZVY: Pél - ?, Féél - 1773, Feilendorff - 1773, Fél - 1786, 1808, 1863 – 1895, 1913, 1927 – 1948, Fallendorf - 1786, Feilendorf - 1808, 1920, Féll - 1898 – 1907, Tomášov - 1948 – , maď.: Fél, nem.: Feilendorf, ADRESA: RKFÚ, Agátová 1, 900 44 Tomáčov, tel.: 02/ 459 582 20,,,, KŇAZ: Zsidó János (od 15. 7. 2000 – aj k r. 2013), PREDCHODCOVIA – farári a administrátori: 1880 – administrátor Ferenczy György, 12. 7. 1880 – farár Pázmány Karol, 1915 - aj k r. 1927 - Polczer Eugen, 1951 – (1968) – Harsányi Gyula, 1969 - (1974) – Kátai Imrich, 1974 – 1989 – farár Czuczor Jozef (1976 - 1989 excurrendo aj Most pri Bratislave), 1989 – 1990 – Tóth László (1989 - 1990 - excurrendo aj Most pri Bratislave), 1991 – (1992) – Krušac Jozef, SDB, Ing., 1992 (15. 7. 2000) – Tóth László, SDB, školský dekan (1992 - 1995 - excurrendo aj Most pri Bratislave), kapláni: 1949 – (1951) - Harsányi Gyula, 15. 7. 1999 – (14. 7. 2000) – Varga Róbert, RODÁCI: Veselay Ján (narodený v Tomášove, zomrel 20. 5. 1800 v Rožňave), OBYVATEĽSTVO:, SVÄTÉ OMŠE - Kostol sv. Mikuláša - nedeľa: 9:30 (slov.), 10:45 (maď.), pondelok – sobota: 18:00 (v lete: 19:00), Kostol povýšenia sv. Kríža, FILIÁLKY: Malinovo, Vlky, MIESTNE ČASTI: Doma, Malý Madaras, Z HISTÓRIE: Po r. 1913 – do roku 1938 bola k obci pričlenená obec Studené, miestna časť Studené bola v r. 1938 pričlenená k obci Most pri Bratislave, po r. 1913 pričlenená k Tomášovu aj obec Madarás, oproti tomu, v r. 1936 vyčlenená a vytvorená obec Miloslavov
Madarás (Madarasz - 1773, Madarász - 1786, 1808, 1863 – 1907, Kismadarász – 1913, Malý Madaras – po r. 1913), zaniknutá obec, pričlenením k obci Tomášov po r. 1913
Malinovo (terra Eburhardi - 1260, Villa Eberhardi - 1311, Ebersdorf - 1390, Eberharth – 1397, Eberhárd – 1773, 1808, Eberhard - 1786, 1808, 1863, Eberhárdt – 1873, Éberhardt – 1877 - 1882, Éberhárd – 1808, 1888, 1913, Éberhard – 1892 – 1907, Eberhardt - 1920, Eberhart – 1927 - 1948, Malinovo – 1948 – , maď.: Éberhárd, nem.: Eberhardt, Ebersdorf, Eberhartsdorf, Ebersdorf b. Feilendorf), filiálka farnosti Tomášov, Dekanát Senec, Bratislavská arcidiecéza, OBYVATEĽSTVO – k r. 2012: 2 210, k r. 2009: 1837, k r. 2001: 1 349, 1984: 1386, 1948: 1046, 1919: 906, 1880: 650, 1634: 100, 1548: 3 (znovuosídľovanie obce), SVÄTÉ OMŠE - Kostol sv. Juraja – nedeľa: 8:00, RODÁCI: Loja Eugen (narodený 28. 9. 1886), Z HISTÓRIE: Zmienka k najstaršiemu obdobiu obce je k r. 1209 – darovacia zmluva, v r. 1936 bola z obce vyčlenená časť a tým novovytvorená obec: Zálesie (k r. 1993 – aj k r. 2013: filiálka farnosti Ivanka pri Dunaji)
Vlky, filiálka farnosti Tomášov, Dekanát Senec, Bratislavská arcidiecéza,
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In modern uncertain world, protecting your valuables is crucial to ensure a sense of security. A primary the most effective ways to protect your belongings is by putting resources in a top-notch safe. From vital documents to precious jewelry, a safe provides a safe storage solution for items of considerable value.
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Lushentic Chenal Bags for the Fashion-Forward Replica Lover
(RogerHeisy, 18. 11. 2024 18:49)
The allure of luxury fashion is undeniable. Yet, for many, the steep price tags associated with high-end brands like Chanel remain out of reach. Enter Lushentic Chenal Bags—a solution for replica lovers and fashion enthusiasts seeking the look and feel of luxury without breaking the bank. These bags offer a unique blend of quality craftsmanship and affordability, making them a standout choice in the world of replica fashion. In this blog post, we'll explore the appeal of Lushentic Chenal Bags, their place in the replica market, and what it means for fashion-forward individuals.
Unraveling Replica Fashion's History
The concept of replica fashion has been around for decades, tracing back to when luxury goods first became symbols of status and wealth. Over time, as the desire for high-end brands grew, so did the demand for affordable alternatives. The evolution of replica fashion has seen it transition from poorly made counterfeits to nearly indistinguishable replicas, appealing to a broader audience. Today, replica fashion caters to those who appreciate the aesthetics of luxury without the associated financial burden. This shift reflects a growing acceptance and normalization of replicas in the fashion community.
Lushentic Chenal Bags: A Detailed Look
Lushentic Chenal Bags are renowned for their detailed craftsmanship and high-quality materials. These replicas meticulously mimic the design and feel of authentic Chanel bags, making them a popular choice among fashion enthusiasts. From the iconic quilted patterns to the signature interlocking C's, every aspect of a Lushentic
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Dokumenty Kolekcjonerskie – Historia, Wartość i Kontrowersje
(HerbertKef, 14. 11. 2024 18:09)
Dokumenty kolekcjonerskie to niezwykle ciekawy obszar dla miłośników historii i kultury materialnej. Obejmuje szeroki zakres artefaktów, takich jak stare paszporty, dowody osobiste, prawa jazdy, bilety czy legitymacje. Kolekcjonowanie takich dokumentów może być pasjonującym hobby, pozwalającym na zgłębianie historii i obyczajów różnych epok. Jednakże, ze względu na swój charakter, dokumenty te budzą również pewne kontrowersje, szczególnie w kontekście ich ewentualnego wykorzystania w sposób niezgodny z prawem.
Historia dokumentów kolekcjonerskich
Kolekcjonowanie dokumentów ma swoje korzenie w XIX wieku, kiedy to zainteresowanie historią i archeologią zaczęło rosnąć wśród zamożniejszych warstw społecznych. Z czasem, obok starożytnych rękopisów i książek, pojawiło się również zainteresowanie dokumentami o bardziej współczesnym charakterze, takimi jak bilety z wydarzeń kulturalnych, legitymacje czy inne przedmioty związane z codziennym życiem.
W XX wieku, zwłaszcza po I wojnie światowej, dokumenty takie jak paszporty czy dowody osobiste zaczęły być postrzegane jako cenne pamiątki rodzinne, a także interesujące obiekty dla kolekcjonerów. Ich wartość wynikała nie tylko z ich rzadkości, ale także z kontekstu historycznego, w jakim powstały i były używane.
Wartość dokumentów kolekcjonerskich
Wartość dokumentów kolekcjonerskich zależy od wielu czynników, takich jak ich stan, wiek, rzadkość oraz historyczne znaczenie. Na przykład, paszport z okresu międzywojennego należący do znanej postaci historycznej może osiągnąć na aukcjach wysoką cenę. Z kolei bilety z ważnych wydarzeń sportowych czy koncertów mogą być poszukiwane przez kolekcjonerów z całego świata.
Wartość dokumentów często wzrasta, gdy są one związane z ważnymi momentami w historii, takimi jak wojny, rewolucje, czy zmiany polityczne. Na przykład, dokumenty z czasów PRL-u, takie jak legitymacje partyjne czy przepustki graniczne, mogą być szczególnie cenione przez kolekcjonerów zainteresowanych historią Polski.
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Revealing the Mystery of Top-Notch Birkin Copies aimed at Fashion Enthusiasts
(HowardMoimi, 14. 11. 2024 3:39)
A luxury style domain remains associated to rarity, class, plus a dash of that mystique. At this pinnacle within these opulent sphere stands an Hermès Birkin accessory, a item which is become emblematic of recognition and sophistication. Yet, for the the majority of us, possessing one authentic bag endures a remote dream because of the substantial price tag and rare availability. But worry no more, fashion lovers alongside luxury devotees—high-quality Birkin copies exist available so as to provide the taste of luxury without disturbing your bank.
A growth with high-quality replicas has altered that arena in fashion items, attracting to the segment eager to taste glamour at a affordable cost. Those dupes don't just appear masterfully produced to emulate those Birkin's elegant aesthetic, and remain often crafted using materials which guarantee resilience plus fashion. Through selecting a Birkin dupe, luxury enthusiasts are able to immerse inside these devotion to sophistication while remaining fiscally wise.
Within this variety of high-quality Birkin dupes, consumers will uncover a feature that extends beyond mere visual replication. Emphasis on the finer details ensures the each and every replica embodies the essence in luxury. From the finest stitches and even metal details also with surface treatments, those items have been constructed adorning exactitude and a emphasis on bringing a opulent journey for individuals who love these Hermès signature looks without going through financially-induced discomfort.
For a lot of luxury aficionados, these carefully crafted Birkin dupes quickly become a choice, providing them the ability to relish an iconic appearance lovingly linked alongside Hermès, minus spending their entire fortune. Due to fashion styles proceed to advance, this occurs with the niche for high-quality imitations, perpetually moving beyond anticipations in both aesthetic plus lifespan. Ultimately, all luxury enthusiast can discover while such masterfully constructed pieces offer not only elegance but also a attachment to the world of sophistication.
As style keeps on to change, high-quality dupes turn into trendy options to suit the cost-effective option with wear coveted designs without giving up on the workmanship. Such a option arms shoppers to be able to keep fashionable at any stratum in their economic budget.
Revealing an Mystery for Premium Handbag Dupes for the Trend Lovers
(Robertbep, 13. 11. 2024 13:50)
The luxury couture market stands associated with rarity, sophistication, and an touch of mystery. At the pinnacle within this opulent domain perches such a Hermès luxury handbag piece, a item who is grown into emblematic to prestige plus sophistication. Though, to many of the multitude among people, acquiring an authentic one remains as a distant ambition due to the hefty price coupled with rare availability. But worry never, fashion lovers also luxury devotees—high-quality Birkin dupes exist as options to present an essence of this luxury leaving aside disturbing your bank.
A growth with high-quality dupes has changed that landscape of style accessories, attracting to a segment keen in experience opulence inside a attainable price. These dupes are not only meticulously designed in order to mirror those Birkin's sophisticated aesthetic, and are usually made by resources who guarantee resilience and style. With picking a Birkin dupe, luxury lovers can indulge within the love to opulence whilst staying monetarily prudent.
Within the range in high-quality copies, shoppers shall uncover a feature that stands as extends beyond mere aesthetic imitation. Attention on detail ensures that each replica reflects the soul of luxury. Going from the stitching pattern all the way to metal details and finishing touches, such items have been created with exactitude that includes a emphasis with bringing an immersive Birkin adventure for those that desire love the Hermès signature looks without financially-induced discomfort.
To most enthusiasts, those special luxurious reproductions swiftly turn into an important option, allowing them the choice to enjoy an iconic style fondly linked alongside Hermès, minus the need to part with a amount. Given that fashion styles go on into change, so too does the niche for superior dupes, perpetually moving beyond predictions in both the appearance plus longevity. Finally, every luxury enthusiast can experience while such carefully constructed pieces deliver not just style but also the bond to the world of opulence.
Because fashion keeps on in transform, superior dupes become trendy options to suit this budget-friendly opportunity to enjoy coveted fashion pieces without giving up on the craftsmanship. Such a ability empowers buyers to keep stylish at any stratum of economic situation.
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**Unveiling an Key for Top-Notch Bag Replicas for the Trend Enthusiasts
(RichardDAX, 10. 11. 2024 3:43)
This luxury style market is synonymous to exclusivity, sophistication, and an hint of the mystery. Within the pinnacle of this opulent sphere perches an Hermès Birkin bag piece, an item who is emerged as symbolic to prestige as well as sophistication. However, for the a multitude among us, acquiring an authentic Birkin endures that distant ambition due to the substantial price as well as limited supply. But worry never, fashion lovers alongside luxury aficionados—high-quality Birkin imitations are here to present a taste of luxury minus straining your bank.
The rise with high-quality dupes has transformed the scene in style items, appealing for the segment eager to taste luxury inside a affordable cost. Such dupes don't just appear meticulously crafted in order to mimic those Birkin's luxurious aesthetic, but remain often produced with resources that guarantee strength as well as style. With selecting this Birkin dupe, fashion lovers are able to indulge inside the passion to opulence and still remaining fiscally wise.
In this spectrum among high-quality Birkin dupes, buyers shall discover an element that stands as goes further aesthetic imitation. Emphasis in detail ensures that every replica captures the essence that resides in luxury. Starting the stitching pattern to hardware and finishing touches, such replicas were constructed with great attention to precision that includes an achievable concentration with presenting an immersive luxury journey for those who love the Hermès famous looks without immediately feeling financially-induced discomfort.
For most enthusiasts, those special replica dupes quickly become a option, providing individuals the ability to experience the appearance lovingly identified alongside Hermès, and leaving aside spending a amount. Due to fashion movements go on to evolve, the same applies to the niche in excellent imitations, forever moving beyond anticipations in even the aesthetic alongside durability. Ultimately, all style enthusiast shall discover how these meticulously constructed accessories present beyond fashion but also a connection to sophistication.
Since fashion persists with transform, high-quality imitations are desirable choices for a budget-friendly opportunity with wear coveted styles without sacrificing the workmanship. That option arms shoppers to be able to stay trendy at any tier in their financial situation.
Exposing the Secret for High-Quality Birkin Copies for the Style Aficionados
(Brandonrah, 9. 11. 2024 0:41)
This luxury style market remains associated with exclusivity, class, with a hint of enigma. Within this pinnacle of these opulent realm sits the Hermès luxury handbag accessory, a accessory which has grown into emblematic with recognition and sophistication. Yet, for that bulk among us, possessing a authentic Birkin endures a remote fantasy because of their significant cost coupled with rare availability. But fear no more, fashion followers alongside luxury aficionados—excellent Birkin imitations present themselves available and to offer an flavor of this luxury leaving aside straining the bank.
A emergence of high-quality replicas has changed the arena in fashion accessories, catering to those a segment eager for taste luxury at an accessible price. These dupes are not only carefully crafted to mimic a Birkin's sophisticated design, effortlessly are frequently crafted by elements which ensure resilience and chic. By picking a Birkin dupe, luxury followers can dive within their passion with sophistication while being financially prudent.
Throughout that spectrum in high-quality Birkin dupes, buyers shall uncover an feature that goes beyond mere visual mimicry. Focus to the finer details ensures what every replica reflects the soul in luxury. From stitching to the metallic components and surface treatments, those replicas were created adorning accuracy that includes an achievable focus with offering authentic luxury journey for those that desire have their hearts set on those Hermès famous aesthetic without going through financial burden.
For most enthusiasts, these carefully crafted Birkin dupes swiftly turn into an essential option, allowing buyers to relish a signature appearance affectionately identified alongside Hermès, minus spending a fortune. Due to fashion movements proceed to evolve, this occurs with the niche for superior replicas, forever moving beyond anticipations in both aesthetic and lifespan. At the end of the day, every fashion enthusiast can experience while those carefully crafted pieces present beyond style but also an enduring attachment to the world of luxury.
As fashion persists in change, excellent dupes are trendy choices for the wallet-friendly opportunity with have in-demand styles while negating sacrificing the workmanship. This ability arms shoppers to stay stylish at stratum of financial situation.
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